Outdoor Swimmers Sing-a-long! 

Join the Tide Mills Community Choir in singing a live acapella rendition of the wonderful ‘Swimming Song’ as a public celebration of the joy of swimming in the great outdoors! Listen to the song, read the sheet music and choose a part to sing (Top, melody or bottom). Practise during September and come with your swimming spirit on the day! No singing experience necessary. Swim costumes and swim paraphernalia welcome too! 

The Swimming Song Loudon Wainright III

This summer I went swimming
This summer I might have drowned
But I held my breath and I kicked my feet
And I moved my arms around,
Moved my arms around.

This summer I swam in the Ocean
And I swam in a swimming pool
Salt in my wounds, cholrine in my eyes
I’m a self destructive fool,
I’m a self destructive fool.

This summer I did the back stroke
And you know that that’s not all
I did the breast stroke and the butterfly
And the old Australian crawl,
The old Australian crawl.

This summer I swam in a public place
And a reservoir to boot
At the latter I was informal
At the former I wore my suit,
I wore my swimming suit.

This summer I did swan dives
And jack knives for you all
And once when you weren’t looking
I did a cannonball,
I did a cannonball.

This summer I went swimming
This summer I might have drowned
But I held my breath and I kicked my feet
And I moved my arms around,
Moved my arms around.