Rights of River Summit resources

Following our industry Summit in November we are pleased to release a number of up resources.

We have compiled a full Report of the day including contributions from attendees during the afternoon workshops and key outputs. We hope you find it an interesting read and find it useful if you are working on Rights for your River. You can access the document HERE.

Check our wonderful highlights film on our ‘OuseTube’ channel which we feel captures the day well! HERE

The full recording of the morning presentations from our inspiring speakers can be watched in full HERE

Thank you to Ouse Valley Climate Action for supporting the making of these films.

Rights of River Summit highlights

Nationwide Rights of Nature Toolkit published 

Kings College London Legal Clinic has just published this much anticipated piece of work. The toolkit is a practical legal guide for protecting rivers and their natural surroundings from a Rights of Nature perspective in England and Wales. It is designed to be used by both lawyers and those with some legal background, including paralegals, student legal clinics, communities, and activists.

This is a really substantial resource that will be so useful in furthering the already significant amount of Rights of River work going on across the country.

We are very proud to see Emma Montlake, Love our Ouse Director and Joint Executive Director at the Environmental Law Foundation acknowledged for her contributions.

Read the toolkit HERE